How Do I know When to Customize?

Returning/Active Members are able to customize just before the start of each season. We send out emails to all active members at the start of the customization window. Make sure you are signed up to receive our emails and texts here

We also add key dates for each season to the announcements tab in the Member Dashboard. Sign in here to check out upcoming dates.

In additional to emails and member dashboard announcements, we inform members on instagram and facebook when it's time to customize. Give us a follow to stay up to date!



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  • 0

    I’m unable to customize my Beachly boxes. This is the second time I’ve tried. It happened with the summer box also. I’m getting ready to cancel if this can’t be resolved immediately. I’ve been trying for two weeks to customize the upcoming summer box to no avail. If I can’t customize this box then I’m canceling. I need help immediately!!!

  • 0

    I have not received any emails regarding customerization. I love my winter box and would like to customize the next one. Thank you Gail

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