Lost Box - Tracking for my order says my box was delivered, but I can’t find my box?

When the tracking shows a delivered status but you’re unable to find the package, there are a couple of things that may have happened.

Sometimes the postman will mark the package as “delivered” even though the package hasn’t actually been delivered yet. If you’ve just received a delivery notification, or if the tracking shows that your box was delivered today, please wait 24 - 48hrs to see if it arrives.

Other times, the postman has placed the package in a not so obvious place. For example, on the side of the house, backdoor, or with a neighbor. If it's going to an apartment, sometimes it will be placed in a lockbox/parcel locker.

Last but not least, if the address isn’t correct, the box will be delivered, but to the wrong place. 

Please click HERE to use our contact form to get in touch with our Member Services Team and let them know that your order was delivered, but you can't find your box. Please note, we kindly ask to be notified within three weeks of delivery regarding any shipping or delivery issue. 

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